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2021年5-8月雅思口语题库答案 Part 1-Museum 答案解析:

Do you like visiting museums?

Without a doubt. I’ve always been fascinated about our traditional culture, so it is a pleasure for me to visit various museums and find out more about it. By visiting museums, I can not only learn more about historical events more precisely, but also have the chance to appreciate a wide range of different objects designed for decorating or cooking purposes. Visiting museums is good fun to me.

How often do you visit museums?

Generally, I visit museums on a monthly basis. There is a city museum next to my university. It holds exhibitions with different themes for the public every month. I love wandering around in the museum and enjoying those mysterious pictures and objects. It feels like I can make some connections with the man in the past.

Are there any museums in your hometown?

Yep. We have diverse kinds of museums in my hometown, and each of them is centred on a particular field, namely the War Museum, the Fine Art Museum and plenty more. However, it seems that museums are not so appealing to the young, which is a shame as I see it. They could have been of much more educational significance.

Do you think there should be more museums in your hometown?

Yes, I totally agree with this idea. In fact, museums can be the place where students learn new things and thus serves as a tool benefiting students’ education. Moreover, most of museums are free of charge, so it has little financial burden on the visitors.

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